The airports in the Northeast Florida Metropolitan Area are located in Baker Clay, Duval, Putnam, Nassau, and St. Johns Counties. The primary commercial service airport is Jacksonville International Airport (JIA) operated by the Jacksonville Airport Authority (JAA). The Airport Authority also operates Craig and Herlong airports.
The most recent civil airport addition to this area is the former Naval Air Station Cecil Field which was vacated by the Navy on October, 1999. The civilian Cecil Airport was approved for inclusion in the Florida Aviation System Plan (FASP), and is included in the FAA National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems. Cecil Airport is operated by the JAA.
Other airports within this CFASPP Metropolitan Area include St. Augustine, Fernandina Beach, Kay Larkin (Palatka), Keystone Airpark, and Hilliard (Turf). St. Augustine is a rapidly growing GA airport with a major impact from the new World Golf Village Resort Hotel [the site of the Florida Airport Managers Association (FAMA) annual convention '99]. Most of these airports contain a 5,000 foot or greater runway which accommodates both private and corporate air traffic. Many also contain sufficient industrial park space suitable for a wide variety of industrial and business interests. They also provide easy access to some of the worlds most sought after visitor destinations and a number of recreational interests.
Military aviation and other activity continue to play a vital economic role in the Northeast Metropolitan Area CFASPP. Located on Naval Air Station Jacksonville is the Navy's Fleet Area Control Surveillance Facility Jacksonville (FACSFACJAX). FACSFACJAX is an active member of the Area Committee and has maintained an excellent rapport with the Northeast Metropolitan Area's aviation community and the FAA's Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) in Hilliard.
The Northeast Metropolitan Area CFASPP Steering Committee is a vital component of the Intermodal planning efforts throughout the State of Florida. They are also actively supported by the Northeast Regional Planning Council, the MPO Advisory Council, the Jacksonville Urbanized Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and Florida Department of Transportation District TWO. The Committee's continuing review of the Florida Aviation System Plan and the forthcoming Strategic Planning component will be a critical link in the ability of the State of Florida and the Region to plan appropriate for future visitor, business, and population growth.
Available for review and download are meeting minutes and Committee by-laws. Participation by the public and interested individuals and organizations is encouraged.