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FDOT Statewide Projects & Training

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Project Type: Project
Project Name: FDOT Statewide Airfield Marking Contract
Aviation Office Project Manager: Abdul Hatim, Aviation Engineering Manager, (850) 414-4504 or Abdul.Hatim@dot.state.fl.us
Consulting Firms (Prime and Sub-consultant, if applicable) : Hi-Lite

Start DateMonday, January 1, 2018 Completion Date:  Thursday, December 31, 2020
Project Description
Airfield pavement markings are a major component of an airport's visual navigation infrastructure. Markings provide a critical function: visual guidance for pilots, ground vehicles, and ground personnel to safely navigate and operationally maneuver within an airfield. The condition of airfield pavement markings is typically evaluated based on the following characteristics: visibility, durability, and compliance. The replacement and/or construction of new airfield pavement markings are designed in accordance with the AC 150/5340-1L. This statewide contract is intended to provide a statewide airport marking program to enable airport sponsors to procure airfield pavement marking services with a vendor that has direct experience with Federal Aviation Administration airfield pavement marking projects. The contract services are to be performed in accordance with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5340-1L (or latest) Standards for Airport Markings, AC 150/5370-10G Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports, and Report IPRF 01-G-002-05-1 Airfield Marking Handbook. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Aviation and Spaceports Office (ASO) desires to implement a comprehensive Statewide Airport Marking Program (SAMP) to meet the following objectives for participating public use airport facilities: 1. Perform an objective ‘Airport Pavement Marking Condition Assessment’, if desired by the participating airport, to identify an ‘Airfield Pavement Marking Replacement Program’ 2. Provide a pre-approved and pre-qualified airfield pavement marking contractor with demonstrated experience and understanding of airport pavement marking construction in accordance with AC 150/5340-1L (or current edition). 3. Ensure the proper construction and placement of new airfield pavement marking with a ‘Certified Airfield Pavement Marking Quality Control Program’.
Current Status (as of Wednesday, February 7, 2018)
A copy of the new contract with Hi-Lite, the selected vendor, can be downloaded below. If you have any questions or comments related to the FDOT Statewide Airfield Marking Contract, please contact Abdul Hatim, FDOT's Aviation Engineering Manager, at (850) 414-4504 or Abdul.Hatim@dot.state.fl.us.
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FDOT Statewide Airfield Marking Contract 1.96 MB 2/7/2018 8:17:08 AM

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